The Fundraising Regulator
Content strategy and a new websiteWhat needed doing
The Fundraising Regulator came to us with a range of content challenges. Their website needed improving so that the public and anyone in the charity sector could find what they were looking for quickly and intuitively. And their look, feel, and organisational tone of voice needed work to help communicate their important role.
For the development of the new site, we collaborated with our friends at Agile Collective, making sure that the content model, the information architecture and the design all worked in harmony.
How we did this
First we facilitated a collaborative workshop to unpack the Fundraising Regulator’s brand and pin down how it should be expressed in different types of communication.
We then got to work on a message architecture and core content strategy for the organisation as a whole, before assessing the health of their web content in a whole-site content audit. We used Airtable for this, pulling in readability and Google Analytics data as well as doing qualitative assessments.
We interrogated the Fundraising Regulator’s content governance and workflow and made recommendations.
We wireframed pages in Sketch for the designer to turn into prototypes.
We compiled all our recommendations into a content cookbook – an organisational guide to voice, tone and style and how content will work in their new ecosystem.
We then rolled up our sleeves and put our recommendations and principles into practice on the new website.
What happened
The Fundraising Regulator have a great new website that works a lot better for them and makes way more sense to people outside of the organisation too. Everyone is delighted with the design and quality of the content and structure of the build.
Plus the organisation has all the communications tools they need to express their personality and speak with one voice. They know who they are, which will really help them achieve their aims.