Which? content for experts

Putting Which? at the heart of conversations about consumer issues

What needed doing

Which? (the UK consumers’ association) needed better ways to appeal to enthusiast and expert audiences, decision-makers and influencers.

Which? are a household name and have a successful main website for consumers. Their influencing content – data, policy, press and corporate work – was spread across different websites and presented in different ways. It wasn’t doing a very good job of being influential, or delivering a smooth user experience. There were far too many PDFs.

A large piece of user research had been done; Which? needed to build on this to create the strategic and practical underpinnings of a better experience and a more effective presence.

What we did

We interrogated the user research. We interviewed staff from across the organisation. We carried out an in-depth qualitative audit of existing content to see how well it was performing.

Some fascinating insights came out of this project. It transpired that expert audiences have, on average, less time and inclination than others to read long in-depth reports. Also, experts tend to be expert in a niche area, and interested, but not especially expert, in a much wider contextual area. And data is powerful, but most wanted it integrated with insight and opinion rather than in its own silo.

We created a core content strategy. We analysed competitor websites. We layered internal insight onto the research and turned it into a set of practical, strategic recommendations for a single destination website.

What happened

Which? had a clear, shared vision and a set of practical steps for creating effective, engaging, integrated content for experts. This content will make the most of the assets they have and put them in a great position to be a more influential force on consumer issues.